Animator | This class provides an interface for animating a graph |
ArcLengthFunction | |
BasicGraph | Paints basic features for a graph such as grid, axis, scale, and handles converting between actually pixel coordinates and the desired coordinates considering the scale and origin |
CommonGraph | An abstract class of which both 3-D and 2-D graphs are a member of. It contains abstract functions which both 3-D and 2-D graphs implement in their own way such as toggling the grid and calculating distance. Interface.ui.h casts all graphs into this base class so that both 3-D and 2-D graphs can be treated alike |
DefiniteIntegralFunction | BasicGraph uses this to calculate the definite integral of a function |
DensityPlot | A class plotting the density of an expression using variances in color 'value' on an x-y grid |
DistanceFunction | |
Expression | A simple class for holding a few parameters for an expression |
ExpressionGraph | Subclass this class to create graphs that display graphs of expressions |
FrequencyPlot | A base class for a Stat Plot's plot modes |
FunctionGraph | A class for plotting/graphing explicit two dimensional functions |
FungColorButton | A button for selecting a color |
FungPainter | A class to handle the difference in the coordinate system between a QWidget and the desired system of the graph |
FungParser | An ad hoc expression parsing class which is a wrapper for the real parser by Warp ( |
FungVector | 3-D vector class for performing operations with vectors in three dimensional space |
GLBasicGraph | Handles various OpenGL properties such as lighting, OpenGL events, rotation, axis, and scale. Currently this class is in alpha stage |
GLCylindricalGraph | |
GLExpressionGraph | Subclass this to create 3D graphs based on expressions. This handles adding expressions, animating the given expressions, and such things |
GLFunctionGraph | Plots/graphs three dimensional implicit functions as "z" with respect to "x" and "y". Currently this class is in alpha stage |
GLGraphEvent | Holds information of a 3-D graph that changes when a graph event is emitted |
GLParametricGraph | |
GLPolarGraph | Plots/graphs three dimensional implicit functions as "z" with respect to "x" and "y". Currently this class is in alpha stage |
Graph | Adds a graph of the type specified to the given workspace and is a namespace for graph types |
GraphEvent | Holds information of a 2-D graph that changes when a graph event is emitted |
IntersectionFunction | |
MathFunction | An abstract class which is used by a BasicGraph to execute math functions such as definite integral, arc length, etc. In order to create your own math function, you must create a subclass of this which reimplements calculate_and_draw(QPainter *, QString *), and as the name implies, calculates the result of the function and writes what you wish to display as the result in the given QString pointer. An example of this could be "Distance = 1.44" when calculating distance. Also, a pointer to a QPainter is given which allows you to draw a visual of the function calculated. This could shade the area underneath a curve for definite integral, for example |
MathFunctionImplementor | This class should be subclassed to allow a class to easily use MathFunction classes |
MaximumFunction | |
MeanValueFunction | |
MinimumFunction | |
ParametricGraph | A class for plotting/graphing implicit parametric expressions. Graphs how the independent variable "t" affects the independent variables "x" and "y" |
PlotModule | A base class for a Stat Plot's plot modes |
PolarCoord | A class for storing a polar coordinate and can convert it into other coordinates |
PolarGraph | A class for plotting/graphing explicit polar expressions. Graphs the radius with respect to the angle |
RectCoord | A class for storing a rectangular coordinate and can convert it into a polar coordinate |
ScatterPlot | A base class for a Stat Plot's plot modes |
SphericalCoord | A coordinate in a coordinate system with an azimuthal, polar, and radial |
StatInfo | Class with several static functions for calculating various statistical information. This class calculates this information assuming that the given vector has been sorted with elements ordered from least to greatest |
StatPlotGraph | Plot several different statistical graphs in two dimensions. These include box-and-whisker plots, frequency distribution, and scatter plots |
WhiskerPlot | WhiskerPlot for creating box-and-whisker plots |